
School Clinic

Physical check-up is given to pupils/students at least once a year. Consultations with the School Physician are permitted during his clinic hours, but treatment must be done at a hospital or by a family physician. The school Nurse is always present to help in all minor medical needs. Any serious illness in school will be reported to parents/guardians right away.

School Library

The NFPS library contains a collection of books, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, and other materials, which are available for reference, study, and research of students and faculty. The following guidelines are helpful in the effective use of the library.

  • Each student from Grade 4 to High School is issued one (1) Library Card, which should be reserved for personal use.
  • General reference books, newspapers and all magazines should be used within the library. They are not allowed to be taken out any time.
  • Every Library Card Holder is entitled to borrow only one book at a time which can be kept for four (4) days and subject to an extension of another four (4) days if not in demand by others.
  • Books are to be used properly and carefully. Marking or soiling them must be avoided.
  • All damages on library materials must be paid for within three days upon receipt of notice. Any loss of library books must be reported right away.
  • Silence must be maintained in the library. Talking, drinking, and eating are strictly prohibited.
  • Courtesy must be practiced too, especially when borrowing or returning the borrowed library materials.

School Canteen

The school canteen is open daily to serve students and parents/guardians alike at reasonable prices. Students should avoid crowding or pushing inside the canteen as this show lack of discipline.
