Welcome to

The New Filipino
Private School
Academics Section!

Its academic operation is systematically planned day-after-day to make sure that everything is on the right track. Teachers from preschool to high school are closely monitored by Grade Level and Subject Coordinators checking their classroom performance and academic competence. Directly under the principal is an assistant who helps in overseeing all activities – academic and non-academic alike. The principal sees to it that all pre-planned activities are systematically carried out.



Student activities are an integral part of any school curriculum. The main aim of these is to provide students a venue to discover their potentials in various areas of learning, pursue their interests, and showcase their talents. Through co-curricular and extra-curricular, students develop their confidence, enhance their ability to work harmoniously with others, and realize that they live in a diverse world which can give them many opportunities for growth and development as unique individuals.

With these in mind, NFPS caters to its students’ activities that will help achieve improvement in the areas of social relationship, physical development, mental advancement, emotional growth and spiritual awareness. It is the desire of the school to make learning fun, exciting and meaningful.


Promoting Global Understanding

As a school, the NFPS emphasizes to its learners the importance of showing respect and understanding for others’ beliefs, culture, and traditions. Therefore, students’ participation in activities such as the celebration of the UAE National Day, UAE Flag Day, Al-Isra Wal Miraj and the like is being encouraged.


Developing a Sense of Responsibility and Leadership

The school believes that one of its mandates is to prepare every student to become a responsible member of the society. Therefore, it makes sure that it provides its learners the venue to develop their leadership skills and acquire the attitudes of a responsible individual.


Preparing for the promising Future

The school takes its responsibility of providing students opportunity to explore their chances for a better future. Career orientations are given to students who are gearing up to the Senior High. This effort helps them to evaluate themselves and find their area of interest. The experience also provides them a glimpse of their future.


Strengthening Camaraderie and Spirit of Sportsmanship

Sporting events and other activities that require team effort help students to develop and strengthen camaraderie and spirit of sportsmanship. The school believes that their ability to handle both victory and defeat will prepare them for the more challenging world outside the classroom. Students also realize that a healthy relationship with others is essential for their growth and success as individuals.


Advocating Environmental Awareness

As part of the holistic education NFPS offers, the school also provides its students activities that encourage environmental awareness. Projects such as Clean and Green, Collection of Recyclable materials, clean up drives and the like help them realize that they can contribute for the betterment of the world they live in.


Responding to others needs

To see evidence of students who care for others is a great achievement of education. Being sensitive to the needs of other people and be willing to respond to these needs are clear indication that learning has transcended from the mind to the heart. The school, in coordination with other supportive members of the community, provides opportunities for students to be of help to others.


Exploring the world

Since learning does not only take place in the four corners of the classroom, but students are also given the opportunity to explore the world beyond the school. Educational trips are arranged to provide them the chance to learn things that may not be directly encountered in their usual classroom interactions. Through this endeavour, they gain a better perspective and understanding of the world around them.


Valuing Family and community relationships

Activities that are classified under this group are those that allow the students to participate in endeavours involving other members of the school community such as the Family Sports Day and Thanksgiving Day.


Members of The NFPS Varsity teams are given regular trainings as early as the second quarter of the academic year. This is to prepare them for the annual inter-school athletic competitions. Indeed, The New Filipino Private School is a haven for those who seek an education that is truly well-rounded and truly Filipino.
